To all those disabled, disadvantaged, and voiceless – I hear you.
For everyone that believes in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – shall Good always prevail over evil.
"Barbwire Noose® began following my (Marcia Anita Hobbs) fight for better quality of life for Disabled clients in government care. Fear Is The Root Of All Weakness® - slogan, long holding place on a yellow curtain blind which was purchased in youth whilst still fresh out of home. At the time it was inspirational and relevant as the main reason for silence on this neglect was fear of harassment from almost the Entire department, staff through to Disability Minister. Soundgarden song ‘Pretty Noose’ inspires the Barbwire Noose name with the line from the song expressive of how I felt at the time - ‘And I Don’t Like What You Got Me Hanging From’." - Marcia Anita Hobbs
Copyright © Marcia Anita Hobbs (BNoose) 2019 – 2023
This work depicts actual events in the life of the author as truthfully as recollection permits.
This is a work of nonfiction. No names have been changed, no characters invented, no events fabricated.
The right of Marcia Anita Hobbs (BNoose) to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (UK). COPYRIGHT ACT 1968 – SECT 35, Ownership of copyright in original works (AUS).
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author and/or publishers.
Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.
The Story Behind the Brand BARBWIRE NOOS
A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.
ISBN 9781528986397 (Paperback)
Travis Enmon - together or apart you are my lover for life, but we are never to be.
Lodge 406 – I Love You, my friends.
Family - [blank]
Government defined is a system or group of people governing an organised community, and or a state.
Broader associative definitions state – government normally consists of legislature, executive, and judiciary. Government is a means by which organisational policies are enforced, as well as a mechanism for determining policy. Each government has a kind of constitution, a statement of its governing principles and philosophy. Typically, the philosophy chosen is some balance between the principle of individual freedom and the idea of absolute state authority (tyranny).
Historical forms of government include monarchy, aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, theocracy and tyranny. The main aspect of any philosophy of government is how political power is obtained, with the two main forms being electoral contest and hereditary succession.
Quoting the Encyclopaedia of Britannica - 'Freemason/Co-Freemason Thomas Hobbes, (born 5th April 1588, Westport, Wiltshire, England – died 4th December 1679, Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire), English philosopher, scientist, and historian, best known for his political philosophy, especially as articulated in his masterpiece Leviathan (1651). Hobbes viewed government primarily as a device for ensuring collective security. Political authority is justified by a hypothetical social contract among the many that vests in a sovereign person or entity the responsibility for the safety and well-being of all.'
“Civil society is a concept of peace between the peoples, authorities, and nations. Governments will elude Any responsibility over a society they are ultimately allowed to flounder.” – Marcia BNoose (Princess Marcia Anita HOBBS India/Australia), Le Droit Humain.
Brand Barbwire Noose® began following a Human Rights outcry made by myself against the neglect and sexual abuse I witnessed of clients in government disabled care in South Australia.
Among other listed Human Rights, Articles 1–6 of the Universal declaration of Human Rights outline the basis of Human Rights disregard I witnessed as a disabilities officer employee of a government organisation.
Article 1
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”
Article 2
“Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.”
Article 3
“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.”
Article 4
“No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.”
Article 5
“No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
Article 6
“Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.”
Initially, my reporting was a fight for the disabled persons I cared for to not be subject to degrading treatment - equality in dignity and rights. By 2022, Barbwire Noose® represented not only these Human Rights but overwhelmingly all Human Rights with emphasis on Article 6 - Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. As brand founder I found myself forced into an open forum, whistleblowing against a cover up, to gain justice regarding sexual criminal offending against myself and non-cognitive mute disabled persons. Barbwire Noose® and my activism are not just a fight for a better quality of life for these disabled clients but a fight for justice for all.
From the, at the time running, Disability Royal Commission I wanted to obtain a public apology at the least from the Labor Government - governments in general. An apology too and for the suffering that these disabled people endured under government organisations in South Australia. This fight for justice, fighting for Human Rights is what the trademark registered words ‘Barbwire Noose®’ and ‘Fear Is the Root of All Weakness®’ represent. Fear Is the Root of All Weakness® – the slogan, words which had held a long-term place written on a yellow curtain blind I purchased in 2002. This curtain blind was stolen from myself in 2022 during VICPOL torts against myself aimed to cover up sexual misconduct within police forces. Causing overwhelming emotional distress and damages as this book released without significant icons of its foundation.
It’s not a straightforward story, it’s easy to get embroiled in the drama of it all, the bottom line of Barbwire Noose® is the Empowerment of Survival, overcoming Fear, Adversity, Greed and a determination to Not allow society to flounder to the point where the government takes the taxpayers money with no responsibility like the bad royalty it replaced.
Seen as an independent, driven, and self-reliant personality as a teenager. I left home at sixteen-and-a-half-years old after I obtained my P-plates licence. I completed year twelve studies in the year 2000 while growing up on a farming property over thirty kilometres from Mount Gambier city in South Australia. Just a teenager, not yet the legal adult age of eighteen (in Australia), fresh to life outside of school and home. I moved out of home (parental care) with my boyfriend who was one year older than myself. Working for the education department (government South Australia) as an aquatic’s teacher and also after school classes. I was employed as an after-school aquatics teacher while studying year twelve.
2001 was my gap year, I deferred from legal studies at Flinders University until 2002 upon completing year twelve. I was very much enjoying teaching aquatics to all ages and abilities, chilling with my boyfriend, fun with my friends and working for a year before I jumped back into studies. Deferring University after years of studying seemed like a flawless plan.
A plan that did not eventuate in 2002. Instead of university studies in Adelaide 2002, I volunteered at an aged care home and ended up working as a Disability Officer.
I, was sexually assaulted in 2001 by a man twice my age and who was supposed to be a trusted member of the community, a police officer. This traumatic offence throwing my life into shambles, which is why I did not attend University in 2002. The traumatic and oppressive experience spiralled my life into remaining in Mount Gambier. A devastating sexual crime which was a life changing experience seeing a path of much turmoil and accomplishment as I battled the cover up, I was not aware of until later in life. This path led to the creation of brand Barbwire Noose. Remaining in Mount Gambier to become a Disabled Care Officer for the government. Events that led me to trademarking what is now the slogan of the brand “Fear Is the Root of All Weakness®”. Text scripted by myself after I was sexually abused by Kurt Slaven - the SAPOL detective that I should have been able to trust investigating my stolen car. Like the neglected and abused disabled clients of Sharley House, and others assaulted by a person they should have been able to trust, the brand's slogan represents all that holds people back and the empowerment needed to report. Facing your fears and not allowing fear to be a weakness or control you. The slogan I find is empowering and with its trademark registration I hoped to empower everyone to overcome feelings of fear.
Personally, at the youthful age of sixteen-years-old I was too scared to speak out against the SAPOL officer who raped me. An offence committed when the police officer was on duty, he threatened me after his sexual crime saying “don’t tell anyone” as he buried the condom at the door of the car as he exited from being on top of myself. A few years later I was not too scared to speak out for the mute, highly disabled clients. I witnessed a horrific lack of Human Rights, duty of care, decency, maladministration, and a culture of malpractice as a government disability sector employee. Paid employees assigned to assist their disabled peers in life (government employed carers) abusing and neglecting their fellow humans. Within a few years I had experienced and witnessed people in positions of power and responsibility detrimentally and intentionally flounder in their roles regarding Criminal neglect and criminal offending.
The Barbwire Noose® slogan ‘Fear Is The Root Of All Weakness’, graffitied initially on a yellow curtain blind, hung in the living room of my rentals between the ages of eighteen – twenty-one years. Words representing my internal fight for justice. My fear to fight as a child = fear being the weakness, the weakness that allowed the sex offender to live without consequence for a long time. At the time I initially wrote the line ‘Fear Is the Root of All Weakness®’ it was a personally inspirational and relevant thought. Applicable to what I witnessed, the sexual offending – neglected duty of care, within disabled caring except these clients could not communicate on any level for themselves. Empowering words ‘Fear Is the Root Of All Weakness’ – a kind of push harder, don’t be weak, break that barrier – overcome feelings of fear.
The staff who worked in Sharley House that were not involved in sexual misconduct or severe neglect let their fear of job loss oppress them. Not speaking out, fearing the consequences this would have on their lives and livelihoods was the main reason for years – decades of silence about the atrocities that occurred in the disabilities sector. Money. Fear of harassment, loss of income and unemployment over-rid ethical thoughts and any actions of morality towards these absolutely defenceless clients - our peers. Shocking moral standards really, more prevalent in government employment than any other employment I’ve engaged – and I’ve worked at a casino and in real estate. I did not share the fear of monetary loss, I could go back to aquatics teaching whenever I wanted, a highly recommended and commended young swim teacher in the limestone coast. I acted as best I could to advocate for these clients, my persistence leading to the Management demoting my employment from fulltime to part-time before my hours were aligned with my after-school teaching and I was forced to choose between job harassment and aquatics teaching. Teaching with the ability to pick up in hours I chose the job that best protected my home loan repayments and continued to speak out against the injustices I witnessed. I had written letters to Managers, planned a petition and took my concerns right to the top – to the disabilities minister responsible for the sector, Jay Weatherill while employed. Before Jay Weatherill was elected Premier, myself no longer working in the Disabilities Sector, I wrote to many political representatives about the malfeasance. Nick Xenophon showed interest in my email, yet the self-proclaimed independent voice of the people did not address the malfeasance, instead seeding his way into Federal politics for a brief period from what I can see. No justice for the clients of Sharley House was achieved whistleblowing in 2010/2011.
In my thirties I wrote this book (2019 - 2023), the publication under publishing contract. It was less emotionally distressful for me to submit the manuscript to the Disability Royal Commission in hopes of justice finally for the clients of Sharley House than to rewrite a submission. I understood the government hierarchy and the extent a government would go towards floundering responsibility after years of ignorance and seemingly rebranding of the organisation in efforts to archive the report to make it go away.
Over the years the brand Barbwire Noose has at the least empowered myself against fear. Remaining focused on things external to financial gain, entrepreneurship has allowed me to indulge much formal and informal activism, empower others, influence and study. Authoring this book was activism in itself. Public accountability was the only avenue to obtain justice for persons disregarded by the highest authorities of government, intentional and malicious disregard, for so long. When governments (and police) are determined to cover up sex offending the stakes are high and the lows are low. So many times I drew on the empowerment of the slogan and what the brand represents.
Kurt Slaven, the police sex offender who offended against myself (as a minor) spoke of government corruption to myself the day he raped me. Conversation he engaged as he groomed me into a false sense of security – to take advantage of myself. A young girl whose vehicle had been stolen – a vehicle he was assigned to investigate the circumstances of its theft. The abnormal general conversation about government corruption arose as a subject as the police officer drove away from the police station and around the famous lakes of Mount Gambier, South Australia. In approximately March 2001 this SAPOL police officer stated to me that the Mount Gambier drinking water increased disabled births in the district, proven by testing and these facts were within government records. Shocked, I shared this information with my family and everyone around me.
I was forced to talk about the reporting of my car at least to which i replied the police officer Kurt Slaven said he would contact me if persons involved were able to be ascertained. That’s generally where I would change subject and talk about the water. I feared talking about, let alone reporting, the sex offence after being threatened and with the knowledge Kurt Slaven was a criminally aligned SAPOL detective. Knowledge I gained about the creep in 2002. They say knowledge is power. Clearly this police officer with this knowledge of government health risks coupled with his corruption as a detective benefitted from not publicly disclosing the concern. Power. Also, an abuse of power like he abused myself and many young girls in Mount Gambier. Fifteen years later reporting the old paedophile how the power tables turned. Quoting Michelle Alexander SAPOL ‘your statement against Kurt Slaven is power’, odd thing to say to a victim. After years of oppression tactics, numerous no convictions on charges stemming from institutional abuse against me, a victim, I finally understood the loser cops inappropriate comment.
This book shines a light on the truth in its story. Not only was there a cover up in the disabilities sector for Mount Gambier prior to myself working in the sector, but also this police officer that disclosed this information to me was also known to be criminally involved with paedophile affiliated biker gangs. Gangs known for their involvement in extortion, blackmail, and sexual exploitations. Surreal as bikers are not known to protect paedophiles yet were. Outrageous considering I first hand witnessed and lived malfeasance and malicious intentional criminal cover ups over both the disabilities and policing sectors.
I literally first learnt of the corruption in government involving the disabled demographic at the time when the police officer, on duty investigating the theft of my VH Commodore vehicle, committed a sexual offence against myself. The exact claim about the water was made in 2001. Police officer Kurt Slaven said that the water from the global tourist attraction the Blue Lake, Lakes Area in Mount Gambier South Australia had been proven to have increased the rate of disabled persons born in the area.
It was around when I turned nineteen years of age (2003) that I began work with the government organisation Intellectually Disabled Services Council (IDSC), I started to report to management about the neglect and sexual abuse I witnessed in 2003. A teenager doing the right thing, speaking up. Little did I know I was becoming a whistle-blower, shining a light on the importance of Human Rights.
In the years prior to working with the Disabled and registering Barbwire Noose®, I had volunteered at The Oaks Aged Care Facility, located on the outskirts of Mount Gambier. This volunteer experience further assisted in myself acquiring my position within the Disability Services Sector. The fact that I had been a government employee previously as an aquatics teacher, the Education Department sector was my foot in the door for government positions.
I loved volunteering at The Oaks. The facility provided a wonderful environment for the elderly and the staff were amazing mentors to me. Providing great guidance as I assisted with general tasks and provided company for residents. I assisted at meal times, and with special activities organised for clients at the facility, recalling Management and staff fondly.
Teaching Aquatics I gained experience with persons with disabilities. Teaching many disabled children over these years I gained extensive experience regarding interaction with special needs persons. Prior to witnessing neglect in the government disability sector I had years of experience working within the aquatics teaching fields with special needs persons. Personally taught to Swim Teach by one of the best females in the swim coaching field in Australia in the nineties into the 2000’s. I was privileged to have met some of Mount Gambier’s disabled networks as a teacher prior to being involved in the disabled sector further. Teachers, parents, community services and carers – many persons devoted to disabled persons experiencing their best quality life in the local area. My teaching interactions with disabled networks locally were nothing like my experience with the government.
It was a cry of activism in itself - trademarking the infamously ‘Famous’ brand name and slogan before its time. The brand, brought to life with the online registration of my Intellectual Property (IP) in Australia. The registration of both my trademarks was made in secret. I sat in a small computer room of a lovely two story home. I had to make two applications, the brand name and slogan initially on one application, and then one application for just the slogan alone. Both trademarks were lodged with complete confidentiality at the two story premises, I remember vividly the massive Japanese Elm tree out front, its leaves like that of a marijuana plant. My trademarks were lodged during the six months where I was assigned counselling to deal with the neglect, sexual crimes and harassment I had reported seeing. Before I was pushed out of my position and left to deal with the emotional distress of my concerns about Sharley House after little changed to help these disabled persons.
In 2019, beginning to author this autobiography, the climate of whistleblowing in over fifteen years had not changed. The government was still very much set on a cover up campaign instead of improving the performance of the sector, accountability and integrity. My personal experiences whistleblowing government departments under both governments of Australia (Labor and Liberal), state and federal levels of governance exposes much resistance to transparency, accountability and integrity. Sexual Offences, rorts, pork barrelling, malpractice, maladministration - a general standard of malfeasance that continued well into the formation of integrity legislation. The same injustices and disregard towards human rights. Royal Commissions and cover ups side by side with orders of malicious intent (e.g. Mullighan Inquiry) and governing with heinous crimes committed by the few that had governed within Australia. Our young country Australia, guilty of the same atrocities as the old. Spanning over decades, it is important to always speak out publicly regarding matters witnessed when a cover up is evident – a ‘cover up’ is ultimately illegal as fuck. Transparency the enemy to tyranny.
To start with my actions were not whistleblowing, just a simple campaign of lead by example hoping to influence change - transformational leadership. I began to address the shortcomings within the disabled caring field by being the example of, for lack of better wording, the ‘perfect carer’. No one is perfect, but I damn well did my very best, every day trying to set a good example. Never missing any duties, feed times, medication, personal hygiene, and comfort needs – heating/cooling and entertainment such as television or stereo system sounds. I conducted all of my work to the highest of standards. Going the extra mile with, televised/musical entertainment, making sure the heating and cooling was on. Practising ‘thoughtfulness’ which only some carers engaged. A genuine consciousness about caring for another, considerations to presentation with clothing choices is a job requirement not thoughtfulness. I would pick up on any jobs the other carers were ignoring, a bitter-sweet choice and almost a mistake as the vigilance was obvious and left myself with a much heavier workload. The worst of my co-workers deliberately floundering at their duties knowing I would not leave a client without their necessary care. I then started to report the misconduct I witnessed, and nothing changed. Meetings were held to discuss the ongoings, meetings which seemed to focus on myself rather than the problems. Managers writing letters in reply to my letters full of empty promises to address raised concerns. Empty promises as nothing ever changed. To me it seemed like the approach was to ignore me, a young woman in her early twenties and cast aside the concern with petty commentary hoping I would go away. I finally addressed the disabled minister of South Australia – Jay Weatherill when the ignorance and passing the buck had spanned over a year. Writing to the highest of authority in the sector about serious neglect and sexual abuse, yet still No resignations or dismissals and no investigation by SAPOL into rape. At this time there was no real action at all that brought a better standard of care. The lack of an investigation by police or sexual assault charges and no dismissals really bothered me. Especially with the residual of the sex acts occurring being prominent on observation of the client e.g., red private areas, significant emotional distress signs being an increased in rocking and teeth grinding at this time.
To investigate my reports the Mount Gambier hospital was only a stone’s throw away from the high dependency home Sharley House. The reality that victim clients were never taken for a rape test, the most appalling reality behind gaining justice for such hideous criminal offending against voiceless, non-cognitive persons. The state Labor government’s complete disregard for these lives became more evident with the sector’s finances wasted on renaming IDSC to Disability SA as opposed to real investigatory actions and remedy. It was overwhelming and emotionally distressing to witness such efforts towards a cover up and the lack of efforts put towards better conditions for the criminally abused and neglected clients. Being a voice for these disabled persons only led to myself being harassed at the disabled care facility house of Sharley Avenue and eventually, after years, pushed out of my position all together. I was very disheartened by these experiences as a young lady working in this environment and witnessing such atrocities.
Here is where the pursuit for human rights really started. When it became whistleblowing for incapacitated persons – the most severely disabled in our society, voiceless. Brand Barbwire Noose became an outlet for me to further make a righteous stance.
An extensive period of time passed without adequate address of the reports I made about the neglect, abuse, and malpractice by these government carers. I was then made part-time and pushed out of what was a full-time employment. Almost immediately after making report’s on behalf of our non-cognitive peers, the members of staff I reported against were alerted of the reports made and I was targeted with petty harassment by almost the Entire department, staff through to the disability minister. The department and staff seemingly leaving neglect and sexual abuse unaddressed to focus on a character assassination agenda aimed at myself. A person they did not socialise with, who was not in their social circles or even age demographics. Never having met any of my co workers prior to employment at Sharley house. God knows how I was being crucified for having a conscience, for speaking out and telling the truth, for doing the right thing - for being the whistle-blower, but I was. I felt cast aside and like I was being prepared to be dismissed at this stage and discussed this at counselling. I was right. Feeling like management was trying to strangle me into silence via oppression tactics, paid leave - isolation and being demoted from full-time to part-time. The cost of counselling was at the taxpayers expense, instead of an investigation ran into the sex crimes committed against Shaz and others. In counselling we spoke of public exposure for accountability and about approaching the Channel Seven News Media and shows like A Current Affair. Many coping with stress and tips to ensure my body was not suffering from the negative impacts of reporting were discussed. I’m all natural, so as much as the government would have loved me on pills, it was not an option. Exercise, making sure I was going outside, food consumption and a few other little tips discussed in these counselling sessions was exactly what I needed. A recreational marijuana smoker, this was something I did not disclose to the counsellor, but my use very much assisted with stress and depression relief. These days I have a script for medicinal cannabis and could without detriment declare my use and what helps me overcome trauma (PTSD). The counsellor, I was lucky, was the perfect counsellor and perfect person for me at this time. She understood there was nothing wrong with me, I was just an empath and doing the right thing.
Other than learning how normal it was to stand up for others – a fact to which I clearly already knew, the counsellor seeing through the paid leave and counselling as a scapegoat for the government sector at this time. I, a young and learning about the world, never forgot the small things the counsellor said to myself and how insightful she was regarding the impact of media with accountability - if you could get yourself heard. I can’t imagine how hard life would have been without the counsellor being such a breath of fresh air during an almost impossible to bare moment.
I had also been seriously assaulted by my brother’s poor choice of girlfriends and friends just prior to the counselling sessions in 2004 funded by IDSC. The three on one low life gang attack associated with the Gypsy Jokers on myself occurred during my reporting of neglect and sexual assaults, prior to being put on leave. Reality was I felt traumatised enough without witnessing the dismissal and disregard of human life all together by the Labor government, Jay Weatherill and much of Management in the Disability Sector South Australia. Followed by the new manager pushing me out of employment altogether, while I had the offenders who assaulted me convicted. I was lucky I was still aquatics teaching part-time at this time. Life was very disheartening. Smiling kids and the silly things they would say lightened up any day. Despite a distinct sequence of events which seemed designed to spiral anyone into deep depression from emotional distress, worst case scenario in hopes I would seek the refuge of suicide.
The assault by my brother’s poor choice of girlfriends was an incident reported via triple zero. Our family of four had not long finished dinner to celebrate my mother’s birthday at a Thai restaurant on the main street of Mount Gambier, Commercial Street. Approximately six police officers of the Mount Gambier Police Station attended this assault to which I was the victim in September, year 2004. My brother was dating a prostitute’s daughter. You can choose your friends, but you cannot choose your family. I received counselling from Victims of Crimes for this assault around the same time IDSC funded counselling for the emotional distress I witnessed in the Disability sector. Victims of Crime is a great service, paid for by a levy Australian’s pay under certain legislation requirements. I am forever grateful to these services regarding this physical assault.
The sessions I had in counselling quietly served me personally to dissect the pain I endured during the vicious assault of 2004 (detailed in Autobiography UGLY HEROS – The Price of Unlawful Enforcement). I had no understanding as to why my own mother sat emotionless, without saying a word in the car after I was seriously assaulted on her birthday by my brother’s ex-girlfriend he was still involved with and her friends. Three girls attacking myself in front of my brother, associated with my brother and the Gypsy Joker biker gang predominant in Mount Gambier. I sustained a broken nose and a dental injury, compensated via Victims of Crime. Both my dad and triple ‘zero’ were contacted after the attack. The offenders were immediately reported and two of the three aggressors were convicted and issued with lifetime intervention orders as a result of the crime. My father drove me to the Hospital and walked me into the emergency area where I was seen after a short wait by a crappy male doctor who noted my broken nose without getting me an ice pack. My mother showed no care for my state or the pain I was in and remained the car as I was treated. An estranged and broken family really, the relationship between my parents and myself is evidently reflected in this moment. A traumatic experience causing furthermore emotional distress in my life, I always sought the refuge of Music to alleviate my pain. Something Heavier than Soundgarden this time. Band KORN, album Take a Look in the Mirror, song ‘Let’s do this now’ standing out as a song and album overall that got me through.
By 2020 my firsthand experiences witnessing cover ups using maladministration, malpractice, rebranding, psychological warfare, character assassination tactics, computer systems and program upgrades to intentionally conceal malfeasance was extensive. I had whistle-blown government departments under both governments, state and federal. Even whistleblowing over government party changes on both a state and national level which resulted in a mix of irrefutable cover up agendas serving both the liberal and Labor governments alike. Australia’s governance climate at this time riddled with sexual offences, misappropriation of funds - rorts, pork barrelling, maladministration, malpractice. A general consensus of malfeasance that overwhelmingly dominated the country's leadership roles and law enforcement sectors. Malfeasance that continued well into the formation of national integrity legislation. Police and governments confident they could push most victims and witnesses into silence, destitution, or the refuge of suicide. With a lot of lived experience watching cover ups play out, I found myself using the brand Barbwire Noose® to make statements regarding integrity and human rights. Knowing I was the only one telling the truth, I was quietly the most confident in the room. A legally minded academic with no real skeletons, nothing to lose and a drive to survive to get justice I took on the cover ups. These same injustices committed with malicious intentional disregard for human rights and governing with a history of heinous crimes had been committed by all that had governed Australia, it was time to change the climate of Australia to one of peace and humanity. In my eyes, simply, enough was enough. Our young country Australia after a quarter of a century of white colonisation was guilty of the same Human Rights atrocities as Captain Arthur Phillip. Never forget, transparency is the enemy to tyranny.
‘Barbwire Noose’ and how these words came about have a much more simple and straightforward explanation than the relevance and complexities delved into immediately in this publication. The intricacies that influenced my trademarking of the slogan words ‘Fear Is the Root of All Weakness’ much more complicated than the development of the brand name. A passion for music as much as fashion, I plucked the brand name Barbwire Noose® from the American Grunge band Soundgarden song ‘Pretty Noose’. I used the song as therapy while on paid leave issued by the South Australian Government Disabilities Sector. The words inspiring the Barbwire Noose® name are within the title (‘Pretty’ Noose = Barbwire Noose) and the line from the song that was expressive of how I felt at this time was ‘And I Don’t Like What You Got Me Hanging From’. The line to me relating to the oppression I felt. That sense of strangulation into silence from the government were my interpretations of the lyrics in this moment. Oppression, of the vilest kind. Feeling I was being held in a corner with what I knew of crimes under government departments, and being character assassinated as I was outspoken. The counselling was being used as an excuse to treat myself like a victim needing mental assistance after I reported the neglect and criminal conduct I witnessed. Condemned for expressing my concerns and feelings regarding the severe neglect and traumas these clients endured. I witnessed not just red raw sexual regions, but also hair trimmed on this client’s vagina. For months, I was concerned about the distress of one particular client after a male worker had his night shift. A distinct smell of sex, condom lubricant and vagina fluids, correlating with the red private region of the client and the male’s shift. Another female client incapacitated, and mute would always hold herself extra tight in the foetal position after this males shift with red breasts and also a red private region. The nightshift was traded with a homosexual woman on a weekly rotation basis, the smell of condom lubricate and vagina fluid never present when the female worker conducted the night shift.
A metaphorical coping mechanism, music is an open to interpretation art. These circumstances leading myself to think and interpret these lyrics as expressive of my feelings of oppression. The intentional reduction of my voice through paid leave was brutal for me. The worst strangulation one could possibly endure being a barbed wire noose. This is the birth of the brand name ‘Barbwire Noose’, just a song and my upset, raging imagination. Energy that crafted the birth of a brand for positive change and a motivation to do something more with my voice. Contribute to ‘A Better World’. Fear Is the Root of All Weakness® – the slogan was too long to be a brand name, when the thought of Barbwire Noose® came about it instantly resonated as something I liked, was meaningful and was not too long. Secretly trademarked after I personally designed a font for both the slogan ‘Fear Is the Root of All Weakness’ and the brand name ‘Barbwire Noose’, I was young designing the logo and look back on the black metal kind of look and love that I indulged the little goth in me. Getting to the end of the year 2006 I was still awaiting approval of my Intellectual Property from IP Australia regarding Barbwire Noose words. Over a year without approval was concerning, I had kept the application away from prying eyes but wondered why there was a delay. I had checked the trademark at the time of application, there was nothing that the logo was infringement of and it had no competitor which would be effected by this unique registration. It was not until approximately late 2007, years after my application that I could start to share brand Barbwire Noose® with the world. Printing my first threads in 2008, it was a kind of corny pair of underwear pyjamas and some T-shirts. Barbwire Noose® forging its foundations of empowerment to make ‘A Better World’ with outspokenness against injustices and by fumbling into the groove of things while I sold real estate and remained teaching.
The brand is pieces of me, and I feel truly blessed that spanning into two decades of Barbwire Noose® the brand has evolved into all the beauty I wanted to see in the world and combating the ugly that is there.
The first book I thought I would write is, the tale leading up to the establishment of my brand. Starting an autobiography on my first laptop, a silver Compaq purchased from Harvey Norman in the early 2000s with a Go Mastercard. The laptop is what I designed the font and logo for Barbwire Noose® on. The logo, a simple text font I personally barbed up in an upgrade in the good ole ‘Paint’ program. To achieve the slogan’s look – ‘Fear Is the Root of All Weakness®’ I used a different feature to the barb feature to personalise the script. A warp/swirl selective tool in the program, intensified to a distortion which was readable. The design, basic yet creative, exploited the words to the point to which the scripture was unique with clarity. Fifteen plus years later, here is a book.
To tell The Story Behind the Brand BARBWIRE NOOSE® is to paint a picture of what led me to such frustrated emotions that I developed a brand of empowerment and a brand name like Barbwire Noose®. The literature you read, hopefully immersing, aims to paint the picture of my life’s experiences that tells The Story Behind the Brand. The label is an extension of myself, my life, my One Love. It represents so many things, the trials and the enduring atrocities of government sector corruption, a movement towards ‘A Better World’. A movement driven by my passion for justice for the clients in the disabilities sector, a subconscious fight for myself and Justice for All. I am so passionately infuriated by the lack of human rights our voiceless and most vulnerable persons had in our society. This outspoken, unconventional, Do NOT Conform Human Rights Activism is brand Barbwire Noose®. Empowerment of ‘A Better World’ – Activism Defending Human Rights. The Brand to me is more than clothes, wearing the label is a statement. An empowering movement, built from a struggle for change against government authority in the disabilities sector and beyond, to create positive change at a governance level. Empowering lessons of civil disobedience – ‘Do NOT Conform’ moments.
My life laid bare is often referred to as a foundation of great courage. Altruism, an active fight for everyone and myself into my 30s – where I completely spat it, literally swearing and screamed at police and politicians alike at times for years. On record, numerous records, voice messages – I left reminders of the crimes they were so desperate to cover up. Staring in the face of the most corrupt climate of Australian governance I had known. It is an unpopular venture, whistleblowing. Yet it is popular with everyone affected quietly, many egging me on to continue to fight as they toppled at the weigh-side in their own convictions. I was a one point “Australia’s Most Infamous Whistle-blower” regarding inhumane gross negligence, criminal conduct, government corruption, maladministration and malpractice. Hated by many police (loved by a few too) and politicians, beginning reports of malpractice within governance from such a young age (19). Witnessing an extensive amount of government sector misconduct in various departments, it’s overwhelming and isolating. Great endeavour for the anti-social if you can survive psychological warfare impacts. The illegal torture engaged upon whistle-blowers globally and allowed to occur to Australians is not just highlighted in the excessively unnecessary incarceration of Julian Assange. A man who after all these years should be free, the blokes well and truly done his time no matter what the United States thinks of our Australian.
It is a legal obligation as a government employee to report integrity and criminal concerns, for years the legal obligations and avenues of reporting to create integrity were avoided by the government. Reporting illegal care under IDSC in 2005 was like smashing your head against a brick wall. I had been telling the same stories to management and the minister repeatedly, year in year out with no result – nothing changed. The government taking any avenues lacking accountability hoping it would be enough while bidding for silence. Bidding for me to be silent. The risk of waiting until this manuscript was complete to physical publication during life threatening circumstances, recklessly endangered by cover ups had the stakes too high. Profits were never my first thought during my plight for justice for these voiceless disabled persons. Sharing my manuscript, made the submission fast and it was already public. Fortifying the risk that these clients’ voices would go unheard during the years of a Disability Royal Commission was not an option to me. In the end, public accountability was the only way to gain resolution in the astronomical cover up of governmental malpractice, maladministration – corruption and criminal conduct I could prove and witnessed ongoing.
A state and federal Liberal government in 2020 hid the lie regarding Mount Gambier’s drinking water safety, as this autobiography was submitted to the Disability Royal Commission. The Labor government members involved in the cover ups desperately trying to hide the gross neglect and severe sexual abuse of disabled persons under government care right in front of my eyes. Irrefutably, the government evidently bred disabilities in regional South Australia knowingly for years. Writing this autobiography, I had witnessed over fifteen years of government departments covering up dismissible conduct, criminal acts, and rebranding departments, instead of accountability. At nineteen years of age it seemed we lived in a somewhat standard-less society, myself a teenager growing into what seemed to be a chaotic world. At thirty-six years of age with my own fashion label and the lead designer, a modelling career, much volunteering and activism under the belt, becoming an author, this chaos ongoing in modern society was mind blowing. It made me numb, unwilling to trust and overall unenthusiastic about what I witnessed in a evidently slightly fucked up world. So barbaric, such dehumanisation in times of such heights in education and technology over time made the choices of the leaders around me seem So absurd.
The government and Australian police force had proven they were not going to do the right thing without me being unwilling to be silenced. The disturbing truth was there was a lot of unwillingness to charge numerous sex offenders who raped myself under numerous intentionally neglectful investigations, privacy act and surveillance act breaches, illegal utilisation (reckless endangerment), criminal negligence, irrefutable criminal conduct and offending, with an acknowledgement of a cover up ever since I reported Kurt Slaven. I knew how hard it was going to be getting justice for people who could not tell their own story. Myself, a walking, talking, vital woman was being completely dismissed by authorities responsible for not only charging the offenders but some even responsible for the offending. In my thirties I knew there was no way police and government were going to do the right thing by the vulnerable disabled clients in concern, especially if they succeeded in silencing me.
Speaking out for years on both the disabilities and policing front led to lower lows and deeper depths in a vile police fuelled sex offender cover up campaign. Determination and anger at the frivolous outcomes. Talking about how I was going to become a politician and change these types of injustices in 2004, I actually filed a political party with the Electoral Commission in 2021, The Australian Freedom Party. By this stage, the years of malicious accusations with no basis or facts that had spread for over a decade also disrupted my application, not just Barbwire Noose. Not fit for purpose laws and a seedy, corrupt government during a warring world was a dismal look for the direction of Australia. The government had left Australia in a vulnerable position of totalitarianism with China on the cusp of war over Taiwan as Russia fought to take Ukraine.
When you’ve been punished for doing the right thing, you hate your oppressors. I am completely numb at times – cold, callous, calculated. You are almost dangerous after being punished, pillaged and raped for doing the right thing. The whistle-blower protection policy of South Australia in my case a lot of the time was just a piece of paper.
Barbwire Noose® despite all the adversities as you read made successful progress within any setbacks. Especially when I was aware of the agendas I was up against. Human Rights unlegislated do not hold any judicial proceedings conveniently for the government of Australia. Exposed to the public though, these atrocities could change. It was irrefutable that the police force had operated recklessly and out-of-control with my life, it was irrefutable the government was covering up severe duty of care and crimes. Such illegal and criminal conduct surrounds my Human Rights plight that (at this time) presents as one of the biggest cases in history regarding unconstitutional, malicious and intentional corruption – malpractice and maladministration with extensive criminal offences committed against my persons at the tax payers expense. The UGLY HEROS autobiography, as referred, defines and exposes the out-of-control police force I witnessed and much gory details of The Price of Unlawful Enforcement. I do not know how I survived, Barbwire Noose® survived out of sheer grit, my NEVER giving up on a dream. Nearly everyone I knew abandoned me during this fight for justice. Unfortunately, many people have things to hide and the government exposing those in its dirty defamatory character assassination campaign left many too weak and scared to stand for justice by my side. A prime example that – Fear Is the Root of All Weakness®. Scared of a Big Brother government. The invasive surveillance of Federal Police and the association laws caused most people to cower, lie, cheat and deny their crimes in self-preservation. I watched felons exploit the association laws for years, laws that are not fit for purpose. Laws that allowed the malfeasance of the Labor government and sex offending police to exploit my life and cover up crimes – vile sex crimes. Cover ups at the expense of mute, defenceless, non-cognitive disabled and myself which were aided by police, criminal counterparts and even freemasons alike. As a whistle-blower, a Human Rights Activist, a protester, I left the Freemason lodge I had joined. Lacking faith in what they were and what they wanted me to become. Human Rights legislation should not be a fight that is still being had in the twenty-first century. We’ve spent millions of dollars to put man on the moon, yet we live in a world incapable of just loving each other in peace and harmony. Children are raped and starving, while billionaires count coins in competition to die rich, good men are sent to war to fight over commodities. Man made money VS Environment and Humanity; it Really is Crazy.
Again highlighting the volatility of the reckless endangerment I was subject to in efforts to stop the story of Barbwire Noose being told, risking the wait until this manuscript was complete to physical publication during obvious delays and life threatening circumstances was too high. Profits were never a thought during my plight for justice. Running the risk that these disabled persons voices would go unheard during the years of whistleblowing was not an option to me. Personal gain was never my agenda, so as time passed and the need to remain heard amongst the malicious cover up continued, I made public my manuscripts during drafting and at times proofing. When the contracted publisher failed to produce adequate editing and dates of finalisation for the publication registered in British Library I released the ePub-e-book to the National Library Australia. The publicised facts ensuring there could be no cover up, literally at times as facts were recorded to Autobiographical form. It was the only way to gain resolution in the astronomical government malpractice, maladministration – corruption and criminal conduct I could prove and witnessed ongoing.
It is a Hell of a story. What made brand Barbwire Noose®, is a piece of every one of us, and kind of the story of my life – thus far. Trials, tribulations, injustices, highs, and lows. This story is that rollercoaster many of us ride before we die. Cruising along with the world, some screaming, some smiling, some are too scared to try. If nothing else I hope this book brings you inspiration, knowledge, and a will to fight for Human Rights, Justice, and your own Freedoms. For me, it saved my life.